So I decided to join an online book club to help me expand my literary horizons. Anytime I hit Borders or I find myself gravitating towards the same genre; I have the best of intentions of reading something I am not accustomed to but somehow I always end up with the same old thing. The book club thing is not a new endeavor for me, in fact, I have attempted many times to start one up with my friends and coworkers. (PS: One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say that they are too busy to one is too busy to read! Here's a thought, PUT DOWN THE REMOTE!!)
Anyhow, one of the books on the list was a romance novel by an author I have never heard of. I Googled the book online and came across an excerpt on the authors website. After reading one of the most steamy sex scenes I could have ever imagined I was beginning to rethink my selection. I finally talked myself into it again when I found the book on used for $.58. Even though what I had read was raunchy, it was well written and wasn't that the whole point of me joining this book club, to read different things?
I get the book in the mail on Wednesday. I decided to take the night off from working on the house and start reading it. Well, how should I put this...Literary smut? Maybe not quite that bad but...Oh! My! Gosh!! I got about half-way through the book on the first night and by the time I put it down, I was sore from just reading about this guys 10-1/2" x 4" member. Seriously...I knew the things written in a romance novel were pretty far fetched, but give me a break. I told Jake about it and he couldn't stop laughing when I read a few paragraphs out loud to him. (I had to read it out loud because Jake is one of the annoying people that can't stand to not have a remote in his hand...and the word book is not even in his vocabulary!) He said if it were a porno that it would star Ron Jeremy.
Since I had the day off and none of my friends will help me out painting a ceiling, (*ahem* see yesterdays post), I decided to take another day off from the house of hell and finish the book. I enjoyed it. Hang on, I have to say that again because I am completely surprised. I enjoyed it. Despite my lack of experience reading such things, I felt as if I had picked up an erotica novel, (although I was informed that it was actually pretty mild compared to some that are out there), I was proud of myself for actually completed it. I have a stack of books that I have bought and started reading that I put down because they were something that I was not used to reading and I couldn't force myself to read them. This one was a pretty easy read, if not I am sure that I would have discarded it to the pile stacked in the closet of books that "I will finish someday". Good thing I picked an easy one to start...mission of the book club: accomplished.
Tonight before bed though, it's back to my historical biography of Magellan's around the world journey. And tomorrow, I think, Agatha Christie...
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