Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gunpowder and lead, Baby!

I have a fried who does nothing to stand up for herself to anyone, especially the sorry excuse of a husband she has!

I have been getting some nasty emails from someone who does not want me to know who they are. The emails come from the address of "youdontknowwho@...", (just a word of advice to Mr. Anonymous: next time you try to keep yourself a secret by making up a dumb email like that, please remember NOT to put your real name on the application thing so it shows up in my inbox. Dumb-ass!). Anyway, this person has been threatening to "ruin my life" and all sorts of dumb things. He said that he was going to trash my blog by making rude and obscene comments. Be my guest!

The point to this is more to rile up the idiot who thinks he scares me. You might be able to scare and intimidate some girls, but you don't scare me, Fucker! You think you are going to hit me? I say bring it on, Bitch, and we'll just see what happens.

I realize that I talk tough sometimes, but I think you would understand if you met the guy that he is a nothing but a stupid, cowardly puss that needs to learn to keep his hands to himself, his pants zipped, and his mouth shut.

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