Friday, July 18, 2008

"Promise me something..."

Last night Jake and I were lying in bed around 1130. My bedside lamp was on, the tv was off, and I was half asleep. Jake was restless and wanted to watch tv, but I had begged him not to because I have not gotten to be before 1:30 AM once this week and it was starting to take it’s toll on me. He would talk to me every couple of minutes and I tried hard to listen but I was having a hard time not dozing off. Finally he rolled over and looked me directly in the eyes.

I asked him what was wrong and he started stroking the side of my face and my hair. I giggled because Jake NEVER does things like that, but his face was completely serious.

“Promise me something,” he said to me.

“Promise you what?” I asked, wondering what the hell he was going to say because he never acts like this. I was a little freaked out and almost scared to hear what he was going to ask me.

“Promise me that if you grow any hairs on your chin or upper lip when you are old that you will wax them off.”

My hand immediately flew to my face to cover up, freaking out and thinking that I had something growing there already. He assured me that I had nothing to worry about (I think his words were: “You aren’t hairy yet”).

So here I was almost asleep and Jake starts stroking my hair which is bound to put me to sleep faster and I think it’s a sweet and caring gesture. Then he asks me to wax my chin hairs if I have them when I am older. So much for the sweet gesture! Yet another moment ruined by Jake, who is so good with words you just have to laugh and shake your head!

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