Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just another day in PARADISE!

Boy, am I ever stuck in a rut! I have not blogged much lately because so much has been going on. I tend to really let everything out in my posts and I really hate doing that because then it seems like I have nothing to write about but all the bad days and bitchy people I come across. Really, more good things than bad happen to me, it’s just that I need to talk and vent about the bad things, and that’s essentially where the blog comes in. So to my diligent readers, (who really need to start posting your comments on my blog rather than emailing me…please!!!), please bear with me as I once again use my blog as a catharsis and hopefully dump a load off my shoulders. I will return to my usual self again once the pain medication (more on that to come) and the surgeries, and bad blood have all gone away.

1. Our church decided to close its doors. This past Sunday was the last day for services at Victory Baptist Church. I have not been in regular attendance at this church for quite some time due to a falling out I had with another of the members (I know, that’s not Christian-like of me). Well, do to some “extra-curricular activities” the pastor had been taking part in with a sporadic visitor of the church for 6 YEARS, we lost our pastor and the momentum to keep things going. How sad. I cannot even begin to say how TERRIBLY sick I am over this entire situation, but that’s a whole different post of ranting and rambling and bitching.
2. Cancer was found in one of Dale’s kidneys. Cancer. Dale’s kidneys. I am still having some problems comprehending all of it myself. Jake is having an even harder time of it than I am which is to be expected. He is having a kidney removed tomorrow. The surgery is at 7:30 AM. My work will not let me have the time off to be at the hospital. If something happens to him, I will never EVER forgive my bosses for not letting me have the time off.
3. Around 3:30 AM Saturday morning, Jake’s Grandpa Doty had a heart attack. He is in the hospital and is going to have a stint put in today. I am not sure what time the surgery is. We went to see him in the hospital late Saturday morning, and we were surprised to find him doing very well. He was shoveling his breakfast in faster than most kids and kept joking around with all of us.
4. Later on Saturday afternoon Jake’s Aunt Barb too his Grandma back to her house to get some rest and a good meal since she had been at the hospital since nearly 4 AM. Aunt Barb went to put away some laundry and chase her puppy out of the mess it was making in the bathroom and Grandma Doris fell. Barb heard her yelling for Wayne (Grandpa), and had a terrible time getting her to settle down. She was so confused and didn’t know where she was. I am concerned for Dale and Wayne both as they are having surgeries, but I think I am more concerned for her. Both of the men in her life are in the hospital and having surgeries that can both prove to be life-altering. There is nothing she can do to help, and she doesn’t even know where she is so much of the time. I can’t imagine how scared she must be. I am scared for her.
5. Nate moved back in with us. This time he paid us weekly and he stayed for 2 weeks. Last night he called and said that Jenny was letting him move back in so he came and got all of his stuff, (Except the Harley…I hope he forgets it’s there…). This time things went down a lot different than the last time he stayed with us. He was a slob and I was doing laundry constantly and was transformed into a maid in my own house. BUT, he didn’t keep me up half the night whining about how things were going so badly for him, and he didn’t eat us out of house and home (but I did have to hide the popsicles from Sarena!). He did move back home last night, and as he was walking out the door he called back to me from over his shoulder that he’ll see me next time Jenny throws him out. My jaw still hurts from when it dropped to the ground. We already said once that we were not going to let him stay with us again and we did. It was less awkward this time because he wasn’t sleeping in the room next to us, but he was still there and it was still weird. I like Nate. I like Jenny. They are both good friends of Jake and mine, but it can ruin friendships in ways that they cannot be mended and repaired when you have one living with you. He wasn’t gone 10 minutes before I made the comment to Jake that I like him better already now that he’s gone. This time we are going to have to stand by our word, it’s not fair to any of the parties involved and it causes too much stress. Not gonna happen, (sure, I say that now…but have you ever seen a scary Mexican cry…that makes him even more scary than usual!)
6. I went to the dentist last week to have a cap put on one of my molars. I have been blessed with teeth from the Allen side of my family. Anyhow, once he gets inside my tooth and started to dig out the infected stuff inside I hear him saying to his hygienist something about the consistency of mashed potatoes. FYI: that’s REALLY bad! As it turns out, I have to have a root canal and a couple of other things I am too chicken to even think about! Oh, and here’s the best part, since I have had my dental insurance for only 6 months the endodontic surgery is NOT covered. Well, there goes the new furniture I had picked out to buy before I host the family Christmas…that $1100 in savings is just going to have to pay for the oral surgery instead. Sonovabitch! Thank GOD for nitrous!
7. Jake has been doing very well selling Rainbows. He has been pretty upset with me because he believes that I am not supportive enough of him and his “business”. I am proud of him because he has done so well, but he tires of things so easily that I am afraid the novelty of this will wear off just like everything else does with him. Yes, he is doing well. Yes, he is making quite a bit of extra money doing this and he has also won a lot of prizes and things too. BUT, (and it’s a really big but), all of the machines he has sold is to family. Aside from that, it’s a $2,000+ product, and the economy is not exactly at it’s best right now. I think my mom put it best when she said that with gas prices over $4, there are not too many people that can afford a sweeper/air purifier for that kind of money. He has proved himself quite a worthy salesman (er, excuse me, distributer), but as they say, all good things must come to an end…
8. Just a side note here, Jake told me last night while we were ly8ing in bed that he just needs my support otherwise he will fail. How many times have I said the very same thing to him? It’s so funny how there is such a double-standard when it comes to things like this. He is very supportive of me and any of the hair-brained schemes I seem to think up (except for the red kitchen, he’s still not too excited about that one.), and I love him for that. Jake is quite the dreamer by nature, and that will never change, and he is always going to see things from just his point of view. That will never change either. Guess I am just going to have to get used to it.

I have been DESPERATELY thirsty for some good iced tea. I decided to run to McDonald’s while out on my lunch break to pick one up since they have been advertising them. It’s DELICIOUS, and I recommend that everyone drinks one, even if they don’t like it. I don’t eat their food anymore, and the thought of ingesting even the smallest of French fry from there has me gagging, but I do have a hard time refusing one of their iced coffees, and now their iced tea.

I have been devouring books once again. A lady at work told me that I needed to read “High Noon” by Nora Roberts. “Oh, Duncan! You will LOVE Duncan. You have to read “High Noon”! Morelli can’t hold a candle to Duncan,” she told me excitedly. Well, I thought I had better check this out just in case this Duncan character of which she speaks is THAT much better than Morelli. Um…Duncan is pretty good, she was right. But even more importantly I discovered that I absolutely LOVE Nora Roberts’ books. Typically I tend to stay away from writers whose names are so popular that EVERYONE seems to be reading simply because I always assumed that they were probably mass produced and probably so fast of a read that I wouldn’t even remember the plot within a couple of hours after finishing. Now I am ashamed of myself for maintaining such a close-minded attitude. I have read quite a few more of her books in the couple of short weeks since I was introduced to her works. While I do think very highly of Duncan Swift, I think I am falling in love with Declan Fitzgerald of “Midnight Bayou”.

I have also decided to join yet another book club. I joined One Spirit in the winter, and quickly bought myself out of that one because the majority of the books were about Natural Healing and New Age topics that do not interest me in the least. I just joined the Mystery Guild Book Club. For $19.22, plus shipping and handling, I received 9 books, all hardcover. I didn’t just read the quick little blurbs they give you in the selection catalog this time either, I googled each author whose book I seemed interested in that I had never heard of, and then I checked the title of the books out on Amazon.com just to be on the safe side this time. I am more than delighted with my purchases and the others selections they offer. My only complaint was that it took nearly two weeks for the books to actually be shipped to me. I have been having such a hard time in the evenings trying to decide whether to read or look at the new lia sophia catalog yet again. Jake calls me ‘Dork’ more often than he says my name anymore I think.

Speaking of the name Declan, Jake and I passed the alone time that we had this weekend in hospital waiting rooms and late at night in bed discussing wedding arrangements and baby names. He and I now have a whole list of names picked out for our “future children”. Family, please do not get excited and start rumors flying, WE ARE NOT having kids anytime soon, and we still have no plans of formerly announcing our wedding. As far as the formal announcement, it can wait until after Jake’s cousin Greg and his fiancé are married this summer. I may not have a shred of respect for the majority of the family, but I will not announce our wedding plans and take some of the spotlight away from her. (Although I do have to admit that my intentions are not entirely selfless, but more so that I don’t think I can handle all of the bitches and ass holes of his family accusing me of doing that on purpose.) For as long as Jake and I have been together we have both maintained that neither one of us wants to have kids. Perfect match I thought. Well, Jake has grown and changed a lot in the past years and, as he puts it, has recognized the importance of family. So, being the complacent and somewhat-obedient girlfriend/fiancé/wife/whatever, I told him that I will not refuse the idea of children any longer. I also told him that I am not thrilled and not to be “expecting” anything in the near future. So, in a few years shall we, (er, I think I mean he), still want children we will welcome Emerson Kate should it be a girl or Declan Dale if it is a boy. Being of Irish decent, I was THRILLED at the fact that he liked the name Declan. It has been hard enough talking him into an emerald wedding band; I was not yet prepared to argue over having Irish names for the kiddos. And, yes, I realize that we are getting WAY ahead of ourselves here!

Aside from all of that, there is not too much else going on in my life. I have already posted about how alarmingly thrilled I am with the new lia sophia catalog, that of course has not changed. If anything it has gotten worse as I get nearer and nearer to ordering my own new pieces. I have gone so far as to make my very own index from the catalog so I can have a faster reference when someone asks about a specific piece at a show. Can you believe I am so nuts to actually have the names of just about everything memorized? And, I know pretty close to where to find it in the catalog, just not exactly, hence the index.

Aside from all of the above, I am not aware of anything else pertinent enough to waste space about right now. Please keep Jake’s family, and myself, in your thoughts and prayers in these next few weeks to follow. I know we will get through all that has been thrown at us with a little faith and prayer, but to sit back and think about all that is going on, it seems very bleak and unmanageable.

I thought I should add this. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I opened and read this email from my grandma!

Amazing Simple Home Remedies
*Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop.
*Avoid arguments with the females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.
*For high blood pressure sufferers – simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure on your veins. Remember to use a timer.
*A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
*If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. You will be afraid to cough.
*You only need 2 tools in life: WD-40 and Duct tape. If it doesn’t move an dshould, use the WD-40. If it shouldn’t move and does, use the Duct tape.
*If you can’t fix it with a hammer you have an electrical problem.
*Daily thought: Some people are like Slinkies ~ not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!

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