So yesterday I checked our checking account online and found out that my tax checks had been deposited. Whoopie!!! I decided to go to Wal-Mart on my lunch break to celebrate by buying junk that I don't need. I filled my cart with low-calorie snacks for work and home and a few odds and ends of things that I needed. While I was standing in line to pay there was an announcement made.
"Attention all Wal-Mart shoppers. We have just received in our latest shipment of Wii's. If you would like one please come to electronics. Thank you."
I backed my cart out of that line as fast as I could and ran back to the back of the store where electronics is. I was the first person to get one! I was so EXCITED that I left my purse sitting on the counter after I paid for it!
We went to the game store in Kendallville last night to check out the used games and got Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Guitar Hero: Ledgens of Rock, and some deep sea diving game that I think Jake is going to make me take back.
I ended up going back to Wal-Mart after work and wearing my hair different and buttoning my coat up and buying another onf for Faye Sassanella. Mom had mentioned to me the other night that Faye was wanting one so I gave her a call and offered to pick one up for her. She accepted my offer right away. There was my good deed for the day I guess.
I can't wait to get home and play it tonight!!
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