I am in a funk and I don't know why. I shouldn't be, I have no reason to be. Things are going pretty good for me right now. I have a ton of interviews, for positions that I am actually interested in. We just bought a house taht we will be closing on anyday. I have wonderful friends, family, and pets. So what is my problem; Why do I just feel like crap?
I thought that perhaps it is the weather, but I ruled that out because I have felt like this for a few days, even when it was sunny and beautiful out. I think I have finally come up with a solution.
How is that possible, you ask? Well, look at it this way: Nothing is wrong with me in my life. But, there are pleanty of shitty things going on in other peoples lives that I care about. Now, I am not saying that it is a bad thing, caring about other people and their problems, but I really need to learn to just let it go. I know it sounds harsh when put into words, but there is nothing I can do about it so I need to just let it go.
Last Wednesday in training, we were shown an example of what was called "Circle of Control, Circle of Influence, and Circle of Concern". Basically it was a drawing of 3 circles, 1 small on in the center, (circle of control, meaning the things you control fall into this circle), 1 bigger circle that goes around the first, (circle of influence, covering things taht you don't really control but that you have a contribution as to how they are decided or resolved), and 1 larger circle around the others, (circle of concern, where things should be that you don't have any control on whatsoever and that you should just take your mind off of.) I thought this was a really good demonstration.
We went on to discuss this and to do an exercise for it. It really put things into perspective for me. I know that I am a worrier...I can't help it, it's genetic, (ever meet my mother, you would totally understand). The exercise that we did in training was specific to our job, but on the plane on the way back home I used the same model to outline different things that I was worried about at the time. WOW!! Talk about a reality check. I think that this is something that everyone should use. I wish it would have been taught to me when I was in college, or even high school!
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