I was talking with Corey
Wetzel the other night and laughing about people putting clothes on their pets...and how weird it is. Corey's
pit bull Leo will never don a preppy looking
doggie sweater I am sure!! And he was quick to tease me for Peanut's winter coat! (I am not the sort of person that puts clothes on my dogs, but Peanut is small enough that he hates going outside for our walks in the winter because he freezes so my grandma made him a fleece coat for Christmas one year!) Anyhow, imagine how funny it was to me when I clicked over to people.com to kill a few minutes and saw a link to reader's
halloween costumes for
their pets.

This one
definitely takes the cake (...er, sauce?), for the most creative costume!! The dogs owner was even quoted saying that she made the costume herself in just a few minutes time and has won quite a few prizes!

As for the "scariest cat"
category, this one wins for sure!! Cute costume, and the cat is really pretty, but he/she looks seriously pissed! (Kristin - I think this cat is scarier and more "
pisthed" than even Pepper!!)

Once again, a scary cat! Only, rather than a man of God we have...Lucifer! The cats owner wrote in along with the picture that he and his wife enjoy dressing up their cat because they are "weird like that". I'll say! I have always thought it was a little weird to put clothes on a dog, but I have to say I think it's even weirder to dress up a cat.

Check out those teeth!! The owner wrote in saying that a vampire costume was perfect for her dog because he has a slight overbite and those teeth always stick out like that. Too funny!!

This costume might make small children scared of Elmo.
Afterall, it does look like he's trying to devour the
mastif that is "wearing" him.

Dog the Bounty Hunter
Enough said!

This little guy was described as a 5 month old mini
wiener dog that gets into so much trouble that the owner could not pass up the costume because the hat said "BAD DOG". This has Peanut written all over it! I just may have bought the costume for him had I seen it. And
i've got news for the owner: they had better hold onto that costume because those mini
wiener dogs don't grow out of that "BAD DOG" stage!

wiener dog in a hot dog costume. Not that original, but this one is funny just because of the look on his face!

"Very funny, my costume is" says Yoda Dog!

And again, this gator costume looks as if it is just going to swallow this tiny Yorkie!

Biker dog. He's even got the perfect "attitude" and facial expression that matches most of the biker dudes I know!

So after looking at the pictures yesterday, there were many more, I got to thinking that maybe I should dress Peanut up as something. I don't think Missy the puppy is quote ready to be subjected to the traumatic event plus she's pretty ornery and gets out of things. Peanut is smaller and easier to manhandle. Here are my ideas:
1. I take the shirt that Lana bought him once that says "Bitches Love Me", put a heavy metal bracelet of mine around his neck with his collar, and the sunglasses from my Build-A-Bear and make him a "Bad Ass"
2. My second idea I find absolutely HILARIOUS, but I have to warn you that it is a little off-color. I am going to take one of Jake's tube socks that is missing it's mate and cut out holes for his legs and tail. Slide the dog into it and he can be Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers because he's a "wiener in a sock"!! (Remember the infamous stage show in which Flea went onto stage wearing nothing but a tube sock on his wiener?) I thought it was so funny and I laughed until I was doubled over in my chair and crying, but others have not seen the humor in it. One lady told me she thought that a lot of people wouldn't get it therefore causing it to loose the humor.
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