How can one possibly define friendship? Friendship to me has so many different meanings that apply to so many different individuals. How can one person who has multiple friends or aquaintences give one general meaning to all? Impossible I say!! For one instance, friendship can mean a tear filled phone call at three AM just because I can't sleep, flollowed by a trip to Steak-N-Shake just because they are open then. Friendship can mean drinking a couple bottles of wine, eating a whole bag of chips, then falling asleep in the same bed talking about your hopes and dreams. Friendship can mean an email out of the blue and reconnecting with your best friend from high school after nearly six years and feeling like one was just on a long vacation. Friendship can be a shoulder to cry on after a miscarriage, then a shoulder to cry on after a positive pregnancy test. Freindship can be a slobbery kiss from the puppy you realize is sometimes more human than you yourself. Friendship can mean a partnership and compatibility so valuable and intense that no words can describe. Friendship can mean a hug and a kiss after a long, hard day and a slap on the ass after a great sale. Friendship can mean a day at the zoo following around the peacocks laughing hysterically when they hiss. Friendship is having someone to go to an adult toy party with and not feeling like a weirdo for doing it, (and in this case, friendship is that bottle of booze that gave you the guts to show up and not hide your face behind a magazine!). Friendship can mean long roadtrips to nowhere in particular. Friendship can mean hours spent at Kohl's shopping for new purses and more clothes than you could ever need. Friendship can mean a loaf of bread when your bank is closed for a holiday weekend. Friendship is knowing that you have someone you can bitch about you lousy day to and that will offer insightful advice rather than judge you for anything at all. But above all, friendship is any combination of: love, trust, honesty, compatibility, comfort, acceptance, respect, security, companionship, marriange, sisterhood, family, experiences...the list is endless.
So, heres to all of you that are my know who you are! I love each and every one of you for the amazing person that you are and the completeness that knowing you brings to my life. You all have helped to shape me into who I am today!
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