Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Escape from LA!!

158 years ago it was the year 1850. In the year 1850 the state of California became just that, a state. The state had no electricity. The state had no money. Almost everyone spoke Spanish. there were gunfights in the streets.

Basically, nothing has changed. Well, except men in California in 1850 didn't hold hands and the the women of 1850 California had real boobs.

Sort of makes me wonder why it was even decided to make it a state anyway...

Don't get me wrong, I think California is a beautiful place and there are plenty of good things there. BUT, I do think there's a bit of a problem with some of the people there and their way of thinking. I think it's great that PETA got their law passed regulating bigger cages for chickens. I also think it's great that they DIDN'T pass the gay marriage law.

I read the other day that Samantha Ronson (who's name I had never heard mention of until she became Lindsay Lohan's girlfriend), posted a heated blog about how it was inhumane to pass a law allowing mandating chickens live in a certain size cage and not allow same-sex marriages. What is wrong, I wonder, with treating a chicken somewhat decently and at the same time upholding the laws that were laid down in the Bible?

I don't think i'll ever understand that one?

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