Typically I stay away from what I refer to as "Blockbuster" writers, or writers that have a bestseller with every book published. I never pick up a Nora Roberts/JD Robb, Danielle Steele, Dean Koontz, Mary Higgins Clark, or James Patterson. One would think that someone who reads as much as I do that I would totally go for the authors that have the bestsellers because, well, they are bestsellers for a reason. I don't because I have this goofed-up way of thinking that if a couple of their books were good then people are going to buy them no matter what. Deep down I know that is not true.
Anyhow, one day at the grocery store I read the jacket for James Patterson's The Quickie. I thought it sounded good, but I put it back. Later on at the library when I couldn't decide on anything else I checked for the dreaded James Patterson book.

I was hooked after the first chapter. I would sit in car long after getting home just to hear what was going to happen next. I was telling everyone I knew that they HAD to read it and what a suspenseful read it was. But still, I didn't pick up another James Patterson book.
Until late one Sunday afternoon when my sister and I made a special trip to Fort Wayne just to go to Borders because the library was closed and I had finished my audio book. Driving can be such a bore and a complete waste of time without an audio book!

That night I bought Beach Road for $5.99 off the bargain book shelf. For the next couple of days I had a hard time getting into it. Rather than having one person read the story, there is a different person vocalizing each of the main characters and I found that somewhat distracting. I found the story a little dry to start with and found myself wondering who messed up and put the wrong description on the back of the package. But, sure enough, I got into the story just like I do most other books I read. Everyday I was telling Jake what had happened.
The ending came out of nowhere!! Literally. For me the end of the book wasn't the climax, but it was a couple of chapters previous. I hate to give books away to anyone who has not read them, but I can't help but say that even now I find myself thinking, "Oh, no! Not you, Tom! Why?" And I finished the book a week ago!
I also picked up Violets Are Blue by James Patterson that night at Borders. I am listening to it right now and it will be finished tomorrow. It's an Alex Cross novel. Typically if an author has a character that repeats in novels I read them in order, like Janet Evonovich's Stephanie Plum and Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone, but I wasn't aware there was an Alex Cross series until after starting the book.
I have printed the entire list of James Patterson's books and I have it neatly folded in my wallet in the same pocket as my library card so I will be prepared on my next visit. I am completely consumed with these books and I will probably not read anything else until I have read all of them!
1 comment:
Great work.
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