Is there any way to tell when a tube of mascara is empty? I am serious! I have this one tube that I have only had for a few weeks that is all crumbly and dried out like. I haven't had it long so I know it shouldn't be empty, and I put the cap on all the way so it shouldn't be drying out. It was a fairly expensive brand so I am really hoping that it isn't just ruined. But there is really no way to tell if it's empty since it's not in a see-thru tube. No mascara comes that way.
One day last week Monica Lewinsky celebrated her 34th birthday. This is no joke. It seems like only yesterday that she was crwing around the White House on her hands and knees putting everything in her mouth...and now she's 34!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Can you believe it? 2008 is almost over. Where did it go!?
I have had this same blog for many years. When it began the title was a little sarcastic. Now, not so much. At least not all the time anyway.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Christmas Dilema
I work for a small family-owned company. It's not my favorite job that I have ever had, but most days I don't mind it too much. It's a bit of a socialist-like environment...the 3 main people running the show and calling all the shots. Those 3 main people happen to be Bill the owner, Donna - the owner's wife, and Jan - the owner's sister-in-law. I feel I also need to add that Jan serves NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER!!! I cannot stress enough just how little and how worthless she is around here!! Maybe that's just my personal thoughts on the matter, but judging from things that others around the office have said, I think it's a general consensus.
So the Donna and Jan (aka Donnis - aka the old bats!) decide that everyone in the company is going to chip in and get Bill a Christmas present. This would be fine if it were something that was a mere suggestion or something an employee had the option to do only if they wanted to. Nope! That's not the way it works around here, folks. We are forced to "donate" $25.00 to buy whatever the 2 ladies decided to get him...and if we don't either pay or authorize the money to be withdrawn from our paycheck, they just take it out of our paycheck!
I have a few problems with this: a) I have never EVER bought a Christmas gift for a boss. Not even when I had worked at the farm for nearly 5 years for some of the nicest people I knew. (Nice meaning that they were not 2-faced, snobby, and fake, and never gave me a dirty look for any reason - whether or not I deserved it). I always thought it was a little inappropriate to get a gift for a superior. b) What the gift usually is. Last year they wanted to get him a golf cart. This year they went with a $900 telescope. Apparently he didn't even say he wanted a telescope, but he just built a new home office and the ladies think it would "look good in front of the window" they bought a really expensive one online that is suited more for someone that knows a little something about telescopes and space and whatnot. c) The fact that it is his wife and sister-in-law deciding that it is something we have to do, deciding on what to get, deciding how much we are supposed to give. You know, I don't typically spend that much money on my own family!!! d) What if there is someone that has fallen upon hard times and actually needs that money for something else? I have a coworker that told me one year she had to borrow money from a relative just to buy a couple of things for each of her smaller children because her husband had had s medical emergency and had been out of work for quite some time - and here the bosses wife is demanding that you give up your own cash to buy something for the boss.
For a family that claims to be such good, humble small business owners, they sure are greedy! And I would venture to guess they are the greediest people I know. It's just really disappointing. It's not that I am not grateful to them for providing me with a job and it's not that I am against getting anything for the boss. I guess I just think that all of the employees should decided together on the amount that is to be given and I think that all the employees should decide together what to get, and what we decide to get should be something reasonable and not something stupid like a golf cart or NASA-worthy telescope.
Am I wrong in thinking this way?
So the Donna and Jan (aka Donnis - aka the old bats!) decide that everyone in the company is going to chip in and get Bill a Christmas present. This would be fine if it were something that was a mere suggestion or something an employee had the option to do only if they wanted to. Nope! That's not the way it works around here, folks. We are forced to "donate" $25.00 to buy whatever the 2 ladies decided to get him...and if we don't either pay or authorize the money to be withdrawn from our paycheck, they just take it out of our paycheck!
I have a few problems with this: a) I have never EVER bought a Christmas gift for a boss. Not even when I had worked at the farm for nearly 5 years for some of the nicest people I knew. (Nice meaning that they were not 2-faced, snobby, and fake, and never gave me a dirty look for any reason - whether or not I deserved it). I always thought it was a little inappropriate to get a gift for a superior. b) What the gift usually is. Last year they wanted to get him a golf cart. This year they went with a $900 telescope. Apparently he didn't even say he wanted a telescope, but he just built a new home office and the ladies think it would "look good in front of the window" they bought a really expensive one online that is suited more for someone that knows a little something about telescopes and space and whatnot. c) The fact that it is his wife and sister-in-law deciding that it is something we have to do, deciding on what to get, deciding how much we are supposed to give. You know, I don't typically spend that much money on my own family!!! d) What if there is someone that has fallen upon hard times and actually needs that money for something else? I have a coworker that told me one year she had to borrow money from a relative just to buy a couple of things for each of her smaller children because her husband had had s medical emergency and had been out of work for quite some time - and here the bosses wife is demanding that you give up your own cash to buy something for the boss.
For a family that claims to be such good, humble small business owners, they sure are greedy! And I would venture to guess they are the greediest people I know. It's just really disappointing. It's not that I am not grateful to them for providing me with a job and it's not that I am against getting anything for the boss. I guess I just think that all of the employees should decided together on the amount that is to be given and I think that all the employees should decide together what to get, and what we decide to get should be something reasonable and not something stupid like a golf cart or NASA-worthy telescope.
Am I wrong in thinking this way?
Guns...and myspace...will keep us together!
It's not a secret that my family and Jake's family are both a little gun-crazed. It was nothing to hear that either my dad or Jake's, or my brother, Jake's brother...had bought another gun. In fact, if Jake and I had more cash on hand than we typically do, we would be buying guns more often than we do. Since Obama was elected, gun sales in the United States have increased by nearly 500%. I would venture to say that a good 200% of those sales are from mine and Jake's dads!!
It's also not a secret that my Jake has never been my dad's favorite person. Since the death of my grandpa a little more than a year ago dad has been nicer to Jake and has finally quit telling me to dump him, but that relationship could have always improved. Well, with my dad's sudden splurging on any kind of firearm that he has ever thought he wanted, it has really given him and Jake some common ground. They actually have a lot in common, but there must just be something about a gun that has some sort of magnetic pull at bonding men together. My dad and Jake have actually called one another and talked on the phone!! (Really, Jake makes me dial and get him on the phone, or Dad makes Mom dial us and get Jake on the phone, and their conversations consist of more "huh?"'s and "What?"'s than actual conversations since they neither one can seem to dial a phone by themselves or hear a damn thing!!) But hey, they are talking and and getting along and firing guns side-by-side rather than at one another so I am anticipating a much smoother holiday season for the Allen family this year!!!
Another thing I am anticipating this holiday season is something that I am not actually going to go into, just in case my any one in my family will read this. I have recently been talking to my cousin and one-time BFF from when I was a kid on myspace and together we have devised a plan for this Christmas that I think is really going to blow some people away this year. I get a twinkle, and a tear, in my eye just thinking about it.
And speaking of myspace...we already know I am obsessed and have been for awhile now. Well, I have recently used it to reconnect with quite a few of my cousins. Amanda being the one I am probably most excited about because our lives are somewhat mirrors of one another's right now and it's so refreshing to be able to talk to someone I know and feel comfortable with who I also know is going through the same crapola that I am. I have also "found" my cousins Jason, Jennifer, and Justin and a handful of people that I worked at Gander Mountain with.
It's also not a secret that my Jake has never been my dad's favorite person. Since the death of my grandpa a little more than a year ago dad has been nicer to Jake and has finally quit telling me to dump him, but that relationship could have always improved. Well, with my dad's sudden splurging on any kind of firearm that he has ever thought he wanted, it has really given him and Jake some common ground. They actually have a lot in common, but there must just be something about a gun that has some sort of magnetic pull at bonding men together. My dad and Jake have actually called one another and talked on the phone!! (Really, Jake makes me dial and get him on the phone, or Dad makes Mom dial us and get Jake on the phone, and their conversations consist of more "huh?"'s and "What?"'s than actual conversations since they neither one can seem to dial a phone by themselves or hear a damn thing!!) But hey, they are talking and and getting along and firing guns side-by-side rather than at one another so I am anticipating a much smoother holiday season for the Allen family this year!!!
Another thing I am anticipating this holiday season is something that I am not actually going to go into, just in case my any one in my family will read this. I have recently been talking to my cousin and one-time BFF from when I was a kid on myspace and together we have devised a plan for this Christmas that I think is really going to blow some people away this year. I get a twinkle, and a tear, in my eye just thinking about it.
And speaking of myspace...we already know I am obsessed and have been for awhile now. Well, I have recently used it to reconnect with quite a few of my cousins. Amanda being the one I am probably most excited about because our lives are somewhat mirrors of one another's right now and it's so refreshing to be able to talk to someone I know and feel comfortable with who I also know is going through the same crapola that I am. I have also "found" my cousins Jason, Jennifer, and Justin and a handful of people that I worked at Gander Mountain with.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Some Interesting Stuff
Did you know that...
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb!
The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (OMG!)
A cockroach will live 9 days without it's head before it starves to death.
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
The flea can jump 350 times it's body length - tha's like a human being jumping the length of a football field.
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
The strongest muscle in the human body is the tounge.
Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.
Starfish have no brains.
Right-handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left-handed people.
Polar bears are left-handed.
Some lions mate over 50 times a day!
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while it's head is attached to it's body. The femal initiates sex by ripping the males head off.
Humans and dolphins are the only speciaes tha thave sex for pleasure. (OK - I obviously can understand why a praying mantis doesn't have sex for pleaseure...but if a pig has a 1/2-hour long orgasm you would think they would be doing it for pleasure!! LOL!!)
I thought these were just too funny not to share.
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb!
The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (OMG!)
A cockroach will live 9 days without it's head before it starves to death.
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
The flea can jump 350 times it's body length - tha's like a human being jumping the length of a football field.
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
The strongest muscle in the human body is the tounge.
Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.
Starfish have no brains.
Right-handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left-handed people.
Polar bears are left-handed.
Some lions mate over 50 times a day!
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while it's head is attached to it's body. The femal initiates sex by ripping the males head off.
Humans and dolphins are the only speciaes tha thave sex for pleasure. (OK - I obviously can understand why a praying mantis doesn't have sex for pleaseure...but if a pig has a 1/2-hour long orgasm you would think they would be doing it for pleasure!! LOL!!)
I thought these were just too funny not to share.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Good Old Days
People always said that I was his favorite. I don't think
I was so much his favorite as I was the first grandbaby and I think
there is always a special place for the first one.

According to my mom's notes I was wearing my Uncle Tom's boots and
only 14 months old when I tried taking the Beretta from my dad!
In this picture my dad would have been 24 or 25...and the funny thing is
that he still looks the same only a little chubbier and with different glasses.
And he is still handing me guns to check out!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Basic Ramblings - - -
I am supposed to be working right now. Typically, I am supposed to be working whenever I am blogging, but oh well. I am so burnt out at work for some reason and I have the hardest time focusing on anything. It's not that I have nothing to do, it's just that I have nothing I want to do. I don't really feel like blogging either, but by doing that I at least look and sound busy!
I have just been feeling blah lately. I don't know the reason why, I think stress is probably the culprit. There is in fact so much stress in my life right now that I actually found gray hairs on my only 25-year-old head!!! I have always bragged about the fact that my natural hair color is the kind of striking red that people pay money to have that never turns out right...well, I jumped on the Clairol wagon this weekend and I can no longer brag about never having dyed my hair. And this is no smooth transition sort of color either! I left work Friday afternoon with strawberry blonde hair and a tear in my eye from having found a handful of gray hairs, and I returned Monday with the sort of red that reminds me of chocolate cherries. Oh well, hair is just dead cells, and as long as they are not gray dead cells, I don't care what they look like!!!
Jake's birthday is today. The big 24. I told my mom that he was going to be 25 today. Oops. He's working tonight so I didn't make any special plans for him or anything. I am going to take him some dinner to his work once I leave mine, and I plan on making something nice for supper tomorrow - maybe chicken a la kieve, (he would be impressed by my simply touching a raw piece of chicken!). He and I went out for supper on Friday night to Logan's and he had a big steak dinner then. Usually on his birthday I persuade him to go to Mad Anthony's because they have Oktoberfest on tap and that is my favorite, he doesn't like that restaurant at all!! This year I never even brought up that place and once we get to Fort Wayne he is the one that suggests Logan's (another favorite of mine, and one of his least favorites).
Saturday I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and puppy chow. Nothing makes me happier on an almost-winter Saturday morning than a early baking session and a pot of coffee with a couple of strong shots of booze. I met my little mom for lunch and bummed around Wal-Mart for a little while. Actually I was killing time because I was afraid to leave becasue when I was on my way into the store I saw a man standing on the corner holding a sign that said something to the effect of "Sick, Broke, and Hungry will take anything GOD BLESS". It always makes me sad to see that sort of thing but this time it was even worse because the man had a dog with him. I bawled my eyes out. Once inside the store I had every intention of buying a sandwich from the deli and some dog food to hand to him from the window of my car but I was talked out of it my by mom and Molly.
I know that there are people who pretend to be homeless/hungry/broke and just take advantage of people. But I also know there really are people out there that are down on their luck and could use a helping hand. How do we know this man was not genuinely sick and hungry? I can't help but wonder and worry about him and that dog. I pray that if they really do need help that they are able to get it and that they will be okay and warm. And I really hope he's not just taking advantage of the good and compassionate people in this town.
There is another homeless man in town, and I know for sure that this one is homeless, that is pretty nice. He rides around on a bike and I see him all over town. He saves up the money he gets and buys day old donuts and double cheeseburgers...says that's the most efficient way to get the most food since sometimes he may not know if he will be eating for a day or two. One day I packed Jake's lunch and I had put a mini-loaf of pumpkin bread in there. We had been passing this pumpkin bread around for the better part of a week because neither one of us really likes it but we didn't want to throw it away either. Jake happened to see this homeless man at the gas station and offered him the pumpkin bread. The man politely turned him down. He told Jake that he has been eating such bad food that he has gained a ton of weight and his clothes aren't fitting him anymore and he was not going to take it and tempt himself to eat it. I had to laugh at that!
We went to dinner with Jake's parents on Saturday night. They took us to the Oyster Bar. I have never eaten better in my life!!! (Let me just say now that I do feel bad for talking about homeless people who have to eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds to make sure they are going to be able to have something to eat everyday and then in the next paragraph talking about going out for a $200 meal with the in-laws.) I had the walleye and I do recommed it if anyone out there ever reads this and decides to try the restaurant. Of course, I am sure that everything on the menu is good! We all started the meal with drinks, (reisling for Lana, merlot for me, and rum and cokes for Jake and Dale), we ordered the spring rolls for appetizers which were delicious! Lana and I had the walleye for dinner, Dale had the chef's speciality petite filet, and Jake had something called seafood au gratin that contained shrimp, scallops, crab, and lobster. Followed with another round of drinks, only this time I switched to a chardonnay that "better complimented my dinner selection". Jake and his dad had also ordered a plate of oysters on the half shell...Lana and I averted our eyes while they ate them! Lana has never tried them, but that is the one food I ate in Eurpoe that I will never forget! Lana and I ordered cups of coffee and we all shared a desert of creme brulee. The waiter brought the bill and sat it in front of Dale and my eyes did a Looney Tunes worthy bug-out when I saw the $197.93 total at the bottom!!
Sunday morning was back to normal with a scrambled egg smothered in Gray Poupon on top of a dry piece of toast and 4 cups of coffee before church.
I missed work on Thursday and left about 40 minutes early on Wednesday last week. Wednesday I left with a temp of 102. It was awful and I don't remember feeling that bad since I had mono back when I was living in Laud and working at Gander Mountain. I was back to work on Friday but not feeling 100%. I took it easy on Saturday. Sunday I had church and I went shopping at Times Corner with Lana. 3 hours shopping at Goodwill - I was WORN OUT!!! Whne we were on our way back to her house I mentioned that I was feeling bad again. I popped some Tylenol and had a bowl of potato soup once back to her house. I had a ton of housework to do once I got back home. I think my problem is that i just have too much to do and I keep myself to busy and I am bogging myself down or something. I think tonight I am just going to take it easy. I am going to go straight home and pull on some heavy sweats and take my beasts for a nice long walk. I was so good about taking them on such long walks (we're talking 4 miles a day!), and since the Daylight savings time BS I have barely had them outside our yard. I am sure that crazy puppy misses that exercise. Oh how I long for a fenced in yard!!
Well, I should pack it up here adn get ready to head home. Now tomorrow I will probably have a ton of stuff to do aside from everyting I put off from today! Guess there's no one to blame but myself. Hopefully soon I will have something worth blogging about. I know I will reread this one day and think "Why the hell did I publish that babble?"
I have just been feeling blah lately. I don't know the reason why, I think stress is probably the culprit. There is in fact so much stress in my life right now that I actually found gray hairs on my only 25-year-old head!!! I have always bragged about the fact that my natural hair color is the kind of striking red that people pay money to have that never turns out right...well, I jumped on the Clairol wagon this weekend and I can no longer brag about never having dyed my hair. And this is no smooth transition sort of color either! I left work Friday afternoon with strawberry blonde hair and a tear in my eye from having found a handful of gray hairs, and I returned Monday with the sort of red that reminds me of chocolate cherries. Oh well, hair is just dead cells, and as long as they are not gray dead cells, I don't care what they look like!!!
Jake's birthday is today. The big 24. I told my mom that he was going to be 25 today. Oops. He's working tonight so I didn't make any special plans for him or anything. I am going to take him some dinner to his work once I leave mine, and I plan on making something nice for supper tomorrow - maybe chicken a la kieve, (he would be impressed by my simply touching a raw piece of chicken!). He and I went out for supper on Friday night to Logan's and he had a big steak dinner then. Usually on his birthday I persuade him to go to Mad Anthony's because they have Oktoberfest on tap and that is my favorite, he doesn't like that restaurant at all!! This year I never even brought up that place and once we get to Fort Wayne he is the one that suggests Logan's (another favorite of mine, and one of his least favorites).
Saturday I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and puppy chow. Nothing makes me happier on an almost-winter Saturday morning than a early baking session and a pot of coffee with a couple of strong shots of booze. I met my little mom for lunch and bummed around Wal-Mart for a little while. Actually I was killing time because I was afraid to leave becasue when I was on my way into the store I saw a man standing on the corner holding a sign that said something to the effect of "Sick, Broke, and Hungry will take anything GOD BLESS". It always makes me sad to see that sort of thing but this time it was even worse because the man had a dog with him. I bawled my eyes out. Once inside the store I had every intention of buying a sandwich from the deli and some dog food to hand to him from the window of my car but I was talked out of it my by mom and Molly.
I know that there are people who pretend to be homeless/hungry/broke and just take advantage of people. But I also know there really are people out there that are down on their luck and could use a helping hand. How do we know this man was not genuinely sick and hungry? I can't help but wonder and worry about him and that dog. I pray that if they really do need help that they are able to get it and that they will be okay and warm. And I really hope he's not just taking advantage of the good and compassionate people in this town.
There is another homeless man in town, and I know for sure that this one is homeless, that is pretty nice. He rides around on a bike and I see him all over town. He saves up the money he gets and buys day old donuts and double cheeseburgers...says that's the most efficient way to get the most food since sometimes he may not know if he will be eating for a day or two. One day I packed Jake's lunch and I had put a mini-loaf of pumpkin bread in there. We had been passing this pumpkin bread around for the better part of a week because neither one of us really likes it but we didn't want to throw it away either. Jake happened to see this homeless man at the gas station and offered him the pumpkin bread. The man politely turned him down. He told Jake that he has been eating such bad food that he has gained a ton of weight and his clothes aren't fitting him anymore and he was not going to take it and tempt himself to eat it. I had to laugh at that!
We went to dinner with Jake's parents on Saturday night. They took us to the Oyster Bar. I have never eaten better in my life!!! (Let me just say now that I do feel bad for talking about homeless people who have to eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds to make sure they are going to be able to have something to eat everyday and then in the next paragraph talking about going out for a $200 meal with the in-laws.) I had the walleye and I do recommed it if anyone out there ever reads this and decides to try the restaurant. Of course, I am sure that everything on the menu is good! We all started the meal with drinks, (reisling for Lana, merlot for me, and rum and cokes for Jake and Dale), we ordered the spring rolls for appetizers which were delicious! Lana and I had the walleye for dinner, Dale had the chef's speciality petite filet, and Jake had something called seafood au gratin that contained shrimp, scallops, crab, and lobster. Followed with another round of drinks, only this time I switched to a chardonnay that "better complimented my dinner selection". Jake and his dad had also ordered a plate of oysters on the half shell...Lana and I averted our eyes while they ate them! Lana has never tried them, but that is the one food I ate in Eurpoe that I will never forget! Lana and I ordered cups of coffee and we all shared a desert of creme brulee. The waiter brought the bill and sat it in front of Dale and my eyes did a Looney Tunes worthy bug-out when I saw the $197.93 total at the bottom!!
Sunday morning was back to normal with a scrambled egg smothered in Gray Poupon on top of a dry piece of toast and 4 cups of coffee before church.
I missed work on Thursday and left about 40 minutes early on Wednesday last week. Wednesday I left with a temp of 102. It was awful and I don't remember feeling that bad since I had mono back when I was living in Laud and working at Gander Mountain. I was back to work on Friday but not feeling 100%. I took it easy on Saturday. Sunday I had church and I went shopping at Times Corner with Lana. 3 hours shopping at Goodwill - I was WORN OUT!!! Whne we were on our way back to her house I mentioned that I was feeling bad again. I popped some Tylenol and had a bowl of potato soup once back to her house. I had a ton of housework to do once I got back home. I think my problem is that i just have too much to do and I keep myself to busy and I am bogging myself down or something. I think tonight I am just going to take it easy. I am going to go straight home and pull on some heavy sweats and take my beasts for a nice long walk. I was so good about taking them on such long walks (we're talking 4 miles a day!), and since the Daylight savings time BS I have barely had them outside our yard. I am sure that crazy puppy misses that exercise. Oh how I long for a fenced in yard!!
Well, I should pack it up here adn get ready to head home. Now tomorrow I will probably have a ton of stuff to do aside from everyting I put off from today! Guess there's no one to blame but myself. Hopefully soon I will have something worth blogging about. I know I will reread this one day and think "Why the hell did I publish that babble?"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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